Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Introduction of nutritious seafood

RED Mullet very popular along the coasts of the Mediterranean, the red mullet is a pretty fish. It is usually treated simply by grilling over a wood fire, often with the liver still inside to add flavor It can also be filleted and pan-fried, or included in delicious fish soups. SEA BASS This is quite an expensive fish and is usually sold and cooked whole. The flesh is soft and delicate and needs careful attention when cooking. Methods include poaching, steaming, grilling and baking.

Squid very popular in the Mediterranean, particularly in Spain, Italy and Portugal. Squid vary in size from the tiny specimens that can be eaten whole, to the larger varieties, which are good for stuffing grilling or stewing The flesh is sweet and, when cooked for a short time, tender Long cooking will also produce succulent results. Sometimes the ink is used to make a sauce for the squid. SALT COD Most salt cod is prepared in Norway, Iceland and Newfoundland and then exported to Mediterranean countries. It is gutted, cleaned and soaked in brine, then dried The end result looks very unappetizing, with a pungent smell, but after soaking for 48 hours and cooking in the Mediterranean style it is delicious.

TUNA An oily fish belonging to the same family as the mackerel. The flesh, which is sold in steaks or large pieces, is dark red and very dense, and has a tendency  to dry out when cooked. Marinating before cooking helps to keep the flesh moist as does basting while cooking. Tuna can be baked, fried, grilled or stewed.

CRAB There are thousands of species of crab around the world. In the Mediterranean countries, brown and spider crabs are the most common. The meat of the crab is divided into two sorts-brown and white Crabs are often sold cooked and dressed, which means that the crab has been prepared and is ready to eat. Choose heavy cooked crabs which should have a lot of meat.

Mussels Available in the Mediterranean from September to April, mussels usually need to be scrubbed and have the beard-the hairy tuft attached to the shell removed Any open mussels should be discarded if they do not close after a sharp tap. Mussels vary in size and the shell can be blue-black to dappled brown. They are easy to cook just steam for a few minutes in a covered pan.

Prawns these vary enormously in size the classic Mediterranean prawn is large about 20 cm/8 in reddish brown in color  when raw and pink when cooked when the prawns are cooked over a fierce heat such as a barbecue the shell is often on to protect the flesh from charring. 

Traditional grains and modern food

The countries surrounding the Mediterranean produce a seemingly inexhaustible quantity and variety of grains and pulses, Wheat, the most ancient cereal grown in the region, predominates. It is the staple that provides for traditional and specialized local dishes, but from centuries of trade and travel come a great number of dishes which, although originally associated with one country. Are often made using slightly different techniques and ingredients in many different areas of the Mediterranean. Pasta, for example, although most widely consumed in Italy, is also made in the eastern Mediterranean under the name of Rishta, it is known in Spain as. Fideos, and in Egypt as macaroni or Koshare.

Bread is a staple food all over the Mediterranean When you consider that it is made using the same basic ingredients, it is remarkable that there is such a variety of flavors and textures. There are the Italian olive breads focaccia and ciabatta and the dry breads like grissini and crostini, as well as a feast of soft breads, richly flavored with sun-dried tomatoes and herbs visit any part of France and see how important freshly baked breads, from rich brioches to crisp baguettes, a
To the French Bakeries stay open despite the day, turn out batch after batch of hot loaves French bakers does not depend on preservatives so bread has to be prepared fresh for every meal. Festive breads are still widely enjoyed. The most elaborate is the braided Greek Easter Bread, flavored with nuts and fruit and adorned with hard-boiled eggs that are dyed red. According to legend, these will keep those who eat them safe from harm.

The unleavened or slightly leavened flat breads of the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa are eaten with every meal. The most common of these is the Pita which varies in shape and size. The Turks bake a huge, flat loaf that inflates like a balloon during baking this is carried ceremoniously to the table where it is shared by the diners its soft, chewy dough is perfect for mopping up spicy sauces. Pita bread is often used instead of knives and forks, when slit, the empty pocket makes a perfect container for salads, bean dishes, falafel and meats.

Wheat flour is also used to make the highly popular filo pastries of North Africa, Lebanon, Greece and Turkey. The lot is skillfully shaped and stretched to form a transparent sheet which is then brushed with olive oil or melted butter and folded into layers. When cooked it resembles puff pastry, light and crisp filo is used in many sweet or savory classics like the Moroccan Pastilla, a spicy pigeon pie with cloves and cinnamon.

Regional classics like North African couscous are also made with wheat couscous.
Is a kind of coarsely ground wheat that gives its name to the traditional dish of either a spiced meat or vegetable sauce that covers the steamed grain. At its most splendid it serves as a finale to a special feast when guests have already enjoyed several delicate courses. The couscous is piled high on a large platter and topped with meat or vegetables smothered with a delectable sweet, spicy sauce.

Rice has been central to Mediterranean cookery for as long as twelve thousand years. The Moors brought rice to Europe in the eighth century through the eastern Mediterranean from Persia and Asia. With its strong Moorish tradition, southern Spain, particularly Valencia, remains the country's main producer of rice The national dish of Paella originates from the coastal cities and fishing ports of Andalusia. But the uses for rice extend much further than one national dish. Many other rich, saffron flavored risottos are widely popular and are good with Zarzuela, an extravagant feast of fish and crustacean. Italians also consume a lot of rice, predominantly arborio, short grain, starchy rice that cooks down to a soft, creamy consistency, Arborio supplies the authentic taste of the classic, subtle accompaniment Risotto alla Milanese, which is enriched with saffron, wine and Parmesan. In contrast, the fiery, dry pilaffs of Turkey and the Middle East are heavily spiced and mixed with numerous herbs dried fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Chickpeas are perhaps the most popular of the Mediterranean pulse and form the basis of creamy pastas like Hummus Along with other pulses and beans, they are widely used in cold, garlicky dressed salads and as the base of many soups.

Traditionally a peasant food, beans are given long, slow cooking and their taste is enhanced with cheap, but flavorsome meats or garlic-cured sausages Served with locally produced vegetables, beans are the heart of many delicious soups and stews for example, the traditional Cassoulet of France

Before cooking dried beans, soak them in water overnight. Boil them rapidly for ten minutes to drive off any toxins, then reduce the heat and simmer for the rest of the recommended cooking time only, add salt towards the end of the cooking time-if added too soon salt will toughen the beans.

Createing artichokes by the vegetable

Artichokes There are two types of artichoke, in no way  related the globe, which belongs to the thistle family, and the Jerusalem, which is a tuber, belonging to the sunflower family. The globe artichoke is common 
Throughout the Mediterranean, appearing as different varieties, depending on the country. When buying, choose firm, taut specimens After boiling the leaves and base are edible Baby varieties are completely edible and are sometimes eaten raw Jerusalem artichokes look like knobby potatoes, and can be treated as such. Aubergine's although aborigines originated from Asia them.

Feature in dishes from every Mediterranean country, There are many different varieties, including green, white and yellow, but the plump purple variety is the most common Look for firm, taut shiny-skinned specimens.

With green stalks. Aborigines are sometimes salted and drained before cooking, which helps to extract biter Juices and makes them abort absorb less oil during cooking beans These beans are often imported from various Mediterranean countries in the spring before we enjoy our own. When young they can be cooked and eaten, pods and all, or shelled and eaten raw with cheese as in Italy.

When the beans are older, they are shelled cooked, and sometimes peeled Dried broad beans are popular in the Middle East, where they are cooked with spices or added to stews.

Courgettes These baby marrows are at their best when they are small. They can be eaten raw, and have a good flavor and crisp texture. The larger they become, the less flavor they have. When buying, choose firm, shiny specimens. Yellow varieties are sometimes available and  although there is no difference in flavor, they make a pretty alternative to the usual green variety. In Italy and France, the golden courgette flowers are  stuffed and cooked or deep-fried in batter.

FENNEL This white bulb of overlapping leaves and green, feathery fronds has fresh aniseed flavor and can be eaten cooked or raw. Its flavor complements fish and chicken, but it is also delicious served as a separate vegetable course either roasted, or baked with a cheese sauce. Choose firm, rounded bulbs, and use the fronds for garnishing If using raw, toss the slices in lemon juice to prevent them from discoloring.

Healthy stuffed spinach pastry

25 g /1 Oz/2 tbsp raisins

25 ml/1 1/2  tbsp olive oil

450 g/1 lb fresh spinach, washed
And chopped

6 drained canned anchovies, chopped

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

25 g/1 Oz/1/3 cup pine nuts, chopped

1 egg, beaten

350 g/ 12 Oz puff pastry

Salt and ground black pepper

  (MAKES 20)

(1)   To make the filling, soak the raisins in a little warm water for 10 minutes. Drain, then chop roughly Heat the oil in a large saute pan or wok, add the spinach, stir, then cover and cook over low heat for about 2 minutes. Uncover, turn up the heat and let any liquid evaporate. Add the anchovies, garlic and seasoning. Cook, stirring, for a further minute. Remove from the heat, add the raisins and pine nuts, and cool.

(2)   Preheat the oven to 180°C/ 350°F/Gas 4. Roll out the pastry to a 3 mm/1/8 in thickness.

(3)   Using a 7.5 cm/3 in pastry cutter, cut out 20 rounds, re-rolling the dough if necessary. Place about two teaspoons of the filling in the middle of each round, then brush the edges with a little water. Bring up the sides of the pastry and seal well (left). Press the edges together with the back of a fork. Brush with egg Place the turnovers on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes, until golden. Serve warm.