Friday, January 16, 2015

Cereal and vegetable plantation in mexico


The avocado, which is now grown all over the world, originated in Central America. There are many recipes for the classic salsa, guacamole. In its simplest form it is made by mashing avocados with a squeeze or two of lemon or lime juice, a handful of chopped fresh coriander, a little crushed garlic, chopped spring onions. Salt and chopped fresh Serrano chilies.


Dried beans (frijoles) are a Mexican staple, either served with a little cooking liquid, or mashed and fried as refritos. Pink, red and black haricot beans are native to Mexico, as are speckled pinto beans. Also popular are lima beans from Peru and fresh green beans.


These are indigenous to Mexico and there are innumerable varieties. The most commonly used fresh green chilies are serrano, jalapeƱo and poblano, all hot.The Habanero is small, flavorful and the hottest chili in the world. It may be red or green and is used fresh. The most popular dried chiles are ancho (full-flavored and mild) and chipotle (very hot). Other varieties include the mulato, which is pungent, and the hot pasilla. In addition, there are the bell-shaped sweet peppers, otherwise known as capsicums. These may be green, yellow or red, depending on their ripeness, and they are not hot. Canned or bottled red peppers are called pimientos.


Chocolate originated in Mexico thousands of years ago. It was drunk hot or cold, and foam-topped. Today it is sold in blocks flavored with cinnamon, almonds and vanilla and is used in drinks and cooking.


A highly seasoned, reddish-colored link sausage much used in Mexican cooking. It comes in many varieties, but all contain pork and paprika, which gives them their distinctive color.


This fresh green feathery herb resembles Italian parsley or chervil in appearance and is widely used in Mexican cooking. The seeds are also used, but less extensively.


Corn was one of the first plants cultivated in Mexico. The dried kernels are ground to make masa harina (dough flour), which is used to make tortillas and tamales.


These are not unripe tomatoes, but come from a different plant. They are known as "husk tomatoes" because of their papery covering. Buy them in cans from specialist shops.


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